
    The object of 9-Ball is to pocket the balls in numerical order. All games will be subject to a 10-min. time limit. At the end of 10 minutes, if the game is not concluded, the Veteran who has legally hit the most balls in is declared the winner of that game. On each shot, the cue ball must first contact the lowest numbered ball on the table. The player who pockets the 9-ball on a legal shot wins.

    Breaks: The first break is determined by flip of a coin. The winner of the flip is the first breaker and he/she must contact the (1) ball when breaking and either pocket a ball or drive at least four balls to the rail, without pocketing cue ball to achieve a legal break. If the terms of a legal break are not met or the cue ball is pocketed, the incoming player has the cue ball in hand anywhere on the table. If the breaker completes a legal break and makes a ball while breaking, he or she will shoot again at the lowest numbered ball on the table and continue to shoot until missing, fouling or winning the game.

    Fouls: All fouls carry the ball in-hand penalty anywhere on the table. Fouls can only be called and must be called before another shot is executed. The following are considered fouls:

    • Cue ball goes in the pocket or off the table.

    • Any object ball jumped off the table.

    • Primary contact with a ball other than the lowest numbered ball on the table.

    • During a shot, if the object ball is not pocketed and no balls are driven to the rail after contact with object ball.

    • Pushes or double hits with object ball and split hits (when you hit the object ball and another ball at the same time).

    For 2025: Medals will be awarded to the top 3 places for Class, Division and Sex.