Field Events

    Veterans will not be assigned specific times for competitions but rather will have to drop-in and fit in time for competition during the published Field Event times. This will allow Veterans to have greater flexibility to manage events. For classes, IB-V, field events include the Javelin, Shotput and Discus. Class IA throws the Discus and Club. All throws are performed from a stationary, stabilized position. Throwing chairs will be provided.

    Equipment: All equipment will be provided. No personal Field Event throwing implements are allowed. The official women’s international javelin is used (220 centimeters (7.625’) and weighs 600 grams (1 lb., 5.25 oz.). The discus weighs one kilogram (2 lb., 3 1/4 oz.). Class IB men and women use the two-kilo shot (4 lb., 6 oz.). Class IC men and IC-V women use the three-kilo shot (6 lb., 10 oz.) and class II-V men use the four-kilo shot (8 lb., 13 oz.).

    For 2025: The competition will be Class; Division: Sex per implement (Shot, Discuss, Javelin, IA-Club). Top three places will receive medals.