
    Boccia will be played as individuals, one-on-one in bracket play. The object of the game is to throw or roll game balls, so they land as close as possible to a target ball, called the Jack. The game begins with a player throwing the white target ball (Jack) onto the court, followed by the same player then throwing one of their colored balls. The opponent then throws, attempting to get closer to the Jack.

    This continues till the player lands a ball closer to the Jack than the opponent or until they run out of balls. Then the process is repeated by the opponent. When all the game balls are thrown, a referee determines the points awarded to the individual. The closest player receives the number of points equal to the number of balls closer to the Jack than the opponent’s closest ball. Players will have four minutes to throw all their balls in a single game. Ramp players will have six minutes to play all their balls.

    Each game will have four “ends” or rounds with a fifth if a tiebreaker is required. The player with the most points will advance to the next round. If possible, depending on the size of the competition bracket, the tournament will be double elimination. The NVWG Boccia Lead Event Official will make the tournament decision.

    The game can also be adapted to allow players with functional limitations to use chutes and ramps to place their game balls into play. Ramps will be available for use to qualifying Veterans. Veterans will be eligible to use their personal Boccia Balls if they meet the following criteria: All personal equipment including Boccia Ramps and Boccia Balls will be tested by the NVWG Boccia Lead Event Official prior to use. Any personal Boccia equipment deemed out of specifications will be disqualified from use and the Veteran will use the NVWG Boccia equipment. The following equipment specifications must be met:

    • The ball must be allowed to roll under its own weight down a 290 mm ramp consisting of a pair of aluminum bars centered 50 mm apart.

    • The ramp will be set at 25 degrees to the horizontal. When the ball exits the ramp, it must travel at least 175 mm in a straight line along the exit plate. A ball will pass if it exits the device on at least one of three attempts by falling off the exit plate.

    • The circumference of the ball should be 270 mm +/- 8 mm and will be tested using a BISFed STANDARD template (of thickness 7 – 7.5 mm) which contains two holes: one hole with a circumference of 262 mm and one with a circumference of 278 mm.

    • The weight of the ball should be 275 g. +/- 12 g. Each ball will be tested using a scale accurate to within 0.01 g.

    For 2025: The play will be by Class and Division, while Sex will be integrated and not broken out. Medals to the top three in each competition.