Minneapolis Excursions

    Exciting adventures are just around the corner during your time in the Twin Cities! Make sure to take time between your events to venture out and discover. The local light rail system connects you to stunning attractions and shopping destinations, like the Mall of America. You'll also find plenty of thrilling opportunities in downtown Minneapolis. Be sure to plan; the links below will help you get started, but don’t be late for your events :)


    Minnesota Twins Schedule-https://www.mlb.com/twins

    Mall of America-https://www.mallofamerica.com/

    Guthrie Theater-https://www.guthrietheater.org/

    Bell Museum-https://www.bellmuseum.umn.edu/access/

    Can Can Wonderland-https://www.cancanwonderland.com/visit

    American Swedish Institue- https://asimn.org/visit/

    Minnesota Orchestrahttps://www.minnesotaorchestra.org/

    Minneapolis Institue of Arts-https://new.artsmia.org/

    Spam Museum-https://www.spam.com/museum